Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Good News!

Yesterday my dear husband gave me the thumbs up to begin our homeschooling adventure for the upcoming school year! He said he knew it was something I've been thinking about and reading about for the past 5 years, and he thought it was time to let me run with it now. Woo-Hoo!!

I am jumping up and down (on the inside). I am also pale and shaky at the prospect of choosing a curriculum. So many to choose from! I have been going through Sonlight's web sight, Math U See, and Singapore Math. I don't care for Calvert.

I want something good for first year homeschoolers, for active 3rd and 5th gr. boys, and which would be an all-inclusive package curriculum (because of our overseas situation), AND provide us with some flexibility so that we can do lots of field trips and take advantage of foreign travel/learning opportunities.

My oldest son does not like to read (even though he can read well.) He likes it when I read to him though. And I am hoping that removing him from the "school" environment will release him from whatever has caused him to dislike reading. He is a straight A student. But he still needs to memorize multiplication facts (6 and up), needs lots of cursive writing practice, says he doesn't like to draw, and in general he only does what needs doing, but doesn't go beyond that. I'd like to see him take more pride in his work, to slow down and enjoy the process instead of rushing through it as fast as he can so he can go do something else.

I imagine my youngest son to be a joy to teach. He's very compliant and likes to learn. He is interested in Medieval times, castles, knights, etc. He likes to help me in the kitchen. He likes to read but he is so tired of the boring, repetitive homework from school. He is gentle and sensitive, yet he loves a good wrestle session with his brother.

I can't wait to watch them bloom. I have high hopes. I have great expectations of what homeschooling will do for them (and for me!) I'm excited about giving them a biblical foundation for all of their education and watching them grow in the Lord. I am thankful to know there are so many homeschooling families out there who are doing it now, and who are doing it well. They motivate me, challenge me, and encourage me! Thank you!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path."
~Proverbs 3:5-6

Rejoice evermore!

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