Thursday, March 23, 2006

"Little Miss" is having a nap.... so Mommy is blogging. Funny how I'm ready sometimes for her to take a long nap, but then when she does, I miss her and want her to wake up!!

Lately I have run across some interesting web sites. I'll share them with you.

One of them came up after searching for creative writing ideas I could use with my boys. They are finishing up their English workbooks this week and I thought we could use some writing practice, but I was lacking in the idea department. That's when the internet is a brilliant tool. Check out Pizzaz! Creative Writing and Storytelling Ideas. Here you can find ideas to get your kids started on poetry, fiction and other writing projects.

Another interesting site I came across this week has to do with breastfeeding activism. The site is called ProMoM Inc. - The Three Minute Activist. Here you can be updated on all the good and bad relating to breastfeeding, from praising the Discovery Health Channel for finally televising a birth show where the majority of the mothers and babies are shown nursing right after the birth, to emailing formula companies to help discourage them from giving out free formula samples to new moms in hospitals.

And just for fun, try this one: ACLU Pizza. A guy tries to place an order for a pizza delivery but finds out the pizza company knows more about him than they ever should!! Its an eye-opener for those of us who think the government is already way too intrusive in the lives of the American people. Let's hope it NEVER gets THIS BAD.

Changing gears now.... I have to mention that Clara found her thumb this week and is quite enamoured with it. I've always thought it was the cutest thing to see a baby suck its thumb, and I'm glad I've got one of them!! ~N~ was a thumb sucker, but ~D~ was not. I found a poem about thumb sucking when ~N~ was a baby. I've searched my house and the internet for it but I haven't been able to find it. The only line I can remember went something like this: "Twiddle dee, twiddle dum, I'm not going to stop sucking my thumb." I'd love to find that poem again!!!

If you smile as often as a baby does, you're bound to have a Happy Day!

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