Saturday, March 04, 2006

A reading marathon and its results

During my daughter's nap times this week (and also while she nurses), I've been devouring the book "End of the Spear." I finished it about an hour ago with tears in my eyes, for two reasons:

1. it was an awe-inspiring true story that motivates me to live the Christian life with boldness and joy,

2. I was heartbroken for the loss of one of Steve's children, who tragically and unexpectedly dies.

I could also add that I was sad to finish the book. It is one of those books that you hope would never end, or at least there will be more books to follow that continue the story. I have not seen the movie that has recently come out, based on this book. I highly recommend that you read "End of the Spear," and if possible, to start the story from the very beginning with Elizabeth Elliot's book "Through Gates of Splendor," and then the follow-up to that one, "The Savage My Kinsman," also by Elliot.

This was the first book I've read since Clara was born. I didn't think I'd actually be able to finish a book with a new baby to take care of, but where there's a will, there's a way. After reading about what life is like in the jungle for the Waodani, I realize how very different our North American way of life is. I'm grateful that God saw fit to put me here and at this time period in history. I'm happy to have the modern conveniences of life, like dishwashers, computers, cars, and washing machines. But these things, which are supposed to help us live better lives, at the same time bring about stresses and problems of their own.

There's more I'd like to write but my baby is waking up!

Check out 101 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Baby

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