Tuesday, March 30, 2010

For this is Right

I recently finished reading "For the Children's Sake" by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay. This book, along with Elizabeth Foss's "Real Learning" are my two favorite how-to homeschool books. Both ladies have a Charlotte Mason perspective. I love how Charlotte encourages mothers to let the children play freely, as much as possible to go outside. She believed (and I do too) that children obey best when their lives are as satisfying as possible. Macaulay wrote a short check list of what would be included in a satisfying childhood: interesting things to think about, learning new skills, enjoying loving relationships with family members and friends, encouraged to be creative, hours to spend in free play.
When children are at home all day, it is easier for the child to have these freedoms, and to learn that it is ok to make mistakes, and to understand there are consequences for their wrong choices.
Teaching children to obey is the first habit a mother needs to work on with her child. We should tell them the reason for all obedience:
"For this is right." Sometimes this simple explanation is all a child requires. A lengthy, boring lecture is too much to take in, but the short reminder sticks in their mind more easily. We can help our children do what is right, giving them tasks that are easy, but which gradually get harder. Many times a mother's hardest job is to teach the child that he can choose to do what he doesn't always feel like doing. This is hard because it reflects on us mothers as well. I have to make dinner and clean up afterwards even when I don't feel like doing it! But these routines of life form important habits for our children. They are always watching us.... May we inspire them to do what is right!

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