Saturday, March 27, 2004

A Poem From My Past

Break The Silence

There are wonderful words that I need to say
I will no longer save them for some other day
Bold and with love the truth I must speak
No more time wasted being puny and weak

Today I will open my mouth and let go
I will tell all my friends - soon they will know
Of the One who abides in my heart, my mind
He is the One I must help them to find

Before its too late I must this silence break
Not another moment spent in burning heartache
Nor burdened by guilt or spine tingling fear
Why wait any longer, the time is now here

I tell you today, that Jesus loves you
On a cruel cross, His love He did prove
But death could not hold Him, try as it may
There was no way He'd stay in the grave

Sin He has conquered, our debt He has paid
If we but believe it, in Him place our faith
You'll be His forever, it's you that He loves
He'll be waiting to greet you in Heaven above

No more time can be wasted, the answer is here
No more words can be spent just tickling the ear
The silence is broken, the Good News abroad
Now you know of the grace of our God


As you may have guessed, this poem comes from a time in my life when I felt I held a most precious gift in my hand, yet I was afraid to share it with others. Being somewhat of an introvert all my life has caused me much grief in my spiritual life. I wanted to proclaim as Paul did the Good News of our Lord and Saviour, but stupid fears would get in the way of my tongue being loosened. What was I so afraid of? Afraid of being laughed at. Afraid of not being able to adequately defend my faith. Of not knowing all the answers. Sometimes I justified my fears and told myself that my day to day life as a Christian would be enough. I admired other Christian women I knew who so graciously seasoned their speech with "salt." They knew how to talk about the Lord as if He really was there with them throughout their day. That was hard for me.

Look at this verse: (Acts 4:13)

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

This gives me HOPE! Peter and John were perceived as being "unlearned and ignorant", yet they were bold for the Lord. Moses whined to God about being "slow of speech", and having a "slow tongue." He must have hoped that God would let him off the hook, thinking he had a pretty good excuse. Hardly.

The Lord promised to help Moses, that He Himself would be with his mouth and that He would teach him what to say. Truly, the Lord is my helper. Too many times I depend on myself, and not on Him. This explains why my life verse is Proverbs 3:5-6. It is a constant reminder to me that I need to TRUST HIM, not myself.

Rejoice evermore!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

That is a wonderful poem. It really touched my heart.