Sunday, April 04, 2004

What we've been up to...

Another play is done! My oldest son acted the part of Mr. TeeVee in the 4th grade production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. All the kids did a fabulous job and it was a joy to watch them perform. This is one thing I will miss when I take them out of school and begin our homeschooling adventure. I suppose they can always join drama clubs?!

Creative juices were flowing this week in our household. I made Easter Eggs using Rice Krispies cereal! I used this recipe to make the treats, then split up the marshmallow/butter mixture equally into 3 separate bowls. Then I added food coloring to make pink eggs, lavender eggs, and yellow eggs. After stirring in the food coloring, you add the cereal and mix together. I loaded my hands with butter to keep the mixture from sticking to my hands as I molded the cereal into eggs. After the eggs cooled, I placed them in a container that had plastic green grass in the bottom. I finished off the little Easter scene by placing some marshmallow bunnies around the edge of the container! Quite springy!

My sister in law is ok after her car wreck. It was a little fender bender, and she's been sore, but we're glad she's ok.

Yesterday, both ~N~ and ~D~ participated in the District Chess Final. They each played 6 rounds of chess. Parents were standing around everywhere, watching their children as they sat deep in thought, plotting out their strategies.

Our school will not be moving on to the National Finals, unfortunately. We faced some pretty stiff competition! One boy on our team succumbed to the mental pressure and dropped out. My husband and I were discussing the differences between chess and physical sports. Especially in regards to boys. Most boys do well in athletics because they are naturally competitive. It is different with chess. Chess requires mental discipline. They must be able to sit and concentrate, plan ahead, and think both defensively and offensively. When they realize they have made mistakes that will cost them the game, they have to finish what they start and continue to the end, eventually congratulating their opponent with a friendly handshake. If they lack maturity in these situations, they may cry, hang their head, and seek comfort from their parents. We saw this happen not only with the boy on our team who dropped out, but also with our youngest son. We encouraged him after his heart-breaking loss with kind words, hugs, and letting him talk it out. Interestingly, I never saw any girls break down in this way. Instead it was the boys who had trouble handling their losses.

Today is Palm Sunday. The children left during the early part of our church service, and came back in a little later waving palm branches. They walked throughout the sanctuary, singing and waving their branches. It was a moving way to imagine what it was like for Jesus to enter Jerusalem amidst the throng of people shouting "Hosanna!" to Him and welcoming Him as their King!

Blessings to you as we go through Holy Week, remembering the sacrifice of our Savior.

Rejoice Evermore!

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