Saturday, October 09, 2004

The First Five Weeks

We have completed our fifth week of homeschooling. During that time, I've been on the roller coaster ride of my life! We've had days where we coasted downhill, climbed frightening heights and screamed through the loops!

But last week was the best so far. Last week was just fun. I didn't experience days filled with doubt, worry or anxiety. We accomplished our goals, we had fun together and I began to feel more at ease with our new life.

My biggest difficulties are:

1. there is no local support (i.e. no homeschooling groups or friends here)
2. no library (but the internet is a good substitute)
3. adjusting to having the boys around all the time, figuring out what they should be doing, and missing "alone" time

So, little by little, I'm figuring out how to handle these problems and becoming more comfortable with our new way of life. Now, I know what is meant by this statement: "Homeschooling is a lifestyle." Well, I like the idea behind it, but its hard to adjust to a new lifestyle!

Another thing that triggered a week of depression was William Bennett's book, The Educated Child. I started looking through that book and seeing all the things that my kids would be learning in school, but only if the public school system was absolutely PERFECT. There is no way, in my inexperienced mind, that its possible for ME to accomplish all that at home. And I certainly couldn't see how a public school was going to pull it off.

So, I put the book away and began reading homeschooling blogs, books, and articles for some encouragement and ideas. That's when I realized how nice it would be to call a homeschooling mom and invite her over for a cup of coffee and a nice long chat about all this stuff. Not possible. So I prayed and I read. Then I felt better and decided not to open "that book" again, unless I want something specific or I need an idea to fill some time. Maybe I'm just not ready for all that pressure yet.

So, we're lightening up, going on field trips and sticking to the original plan. We'll also add some "focus" subjects throughout the week:

Math, English, Typing, silent reading, and History every day
art on Mondays
Spanish on Tuesdays
Science on Wednesdays
Music on Thursdays
Field Trip (NO MATH) on Fridays

Yesterday we went to the Stockholm Water Aquaria, which was small, but interesting. It gave us the needed break of getting out of the house, and seeing what was going on in the world around us. We also stopped by Junibacken and picked up an Emil book and a Pettson and Findus book.

Now, we're off to the park to shoot some hoops. Family Time on Saturday. YEA!


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