Friday, April 21, 2006

My Cup is Full

I just have to share this...
The freestanding birth center where our dear daughter was born has a Yahoo mailing list that I am a member of. In it, we share our birth experiences and support each other in our choices to either have babies at home or at the birth center. Today, Robin shared a link to her web page which tells the story in words and beautiful pictures of the day her baby was born at home. I was so moved by it, especially when I saw the picture of Robin's mother raising her arms in joy at the moment of the birth! Note: There are no "graphic" birth photos, just gorgeous black and white ones that all ages can enjoy.

It brings back such wonderful memories of the day our Clara was born. The birth of a child is a miracle! It is an emotional, physical, and spiritual experience. The incredible pain gives way to even more incredible joy. Days after Clara's birth, I clearly remembered the pain I felt, but as time goes on, it dims, until now it is hard to recall what it actually felt like. I know it hurt a lot, but it doesn't seem like it could have really been that bad now. What a loving Lord we have. He does indeed cause all things to work together for good.

Tears of joy ran down my face on Easter Sunday as I stood worshipping the risen Lord and glowing inside at the thought of my beautiful family standing next to me. My husband was holding our daughter as she slept in his arms, wearing her pink Easter dress, her tiny sandals on her feet, and a frilly headband that definitely stated in no uncertain terms, "I am a girl!"

My cup was full and overflowing, and I couldn't help but thank God for blessing me!

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